Source code for sgmcmcjax.util

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Tuple, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import grad, jit, lax, value_and_grad, vmap
from jax.experimental import host_callback
from import tqdm

[docs]def build_grad_log_post( loglikelihood: Callable, logprior: Callable, data: Tuple, with_val: bool = False ) -> Callable: """Build the gradient of the log-posterior. The returned function has signature: grad_lost_post (Callable) Args: param (Pytree): parameters to evaluate the log-posterior at args: data (either minibatch or fullbatch) to pass in to the log-likelihood Returns: gradient of the log-posterior (PyTree), and optionally the value of the log-posterior (float) Args: loglikelihood (Callable): log-likelihood for a single data point logprior (Callable): log-prior for a single data point data (Tuple): tuple of data. It should either have a single array (for unsupervised problems) or have two arrays (for supervised problems) with_val (bool, optional): Whether or not the returned function also inclues the value of the log-posterior as well as the value of the gradient. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: the 'data' argument should either be a tuple of size 1 or 2 Returns: Callable: The gradient of the log-posterior """ if len(data) == 1: batch_loglik = jit(vmap(loglikelihood, in_axes=(None, 0))) elif len(data) == 2: batch_loglik = jit(vmap(loglikelihood, in_axes=(None, 0, 0))) else: raise ValueError("'data' must be a tuple of size 1 or 2") Ndata = data[0].shape[0] def log_post(param, *args): return logprior(param) + Ndata * jnp.mean(batch_loglik(param, *args), axis=0) if with_val: grad_log_post = jit(value_and_grad(log_post)) else: grad_log_post = jit(grad(log_post)) return grad_log_post
[docs]def run_loop(f: Callable, state: Any, xs: Iterable, compiled: bool = True) -> Any: """Loop over an iterable and keep only the final state the function `f` should return `(state, None)` compiled: whether or not to run lax.scan or a Python loop Args: f (Callable): function to apply at every iteration state (Any): state of the system xs (iter): Iteratable to loop over compiled (Bool, optional): whether or not the loop is performed with lax.scan or not. Otherwise run a native Python loop. Defaults to True. Returns: Any: final state of the system """ if compiled: state, _ = lax.scan(f, state, xs) return state else: for x in xs: state, _ = f(state, x) return state
[docs]def progress_bar_scan(num_samples: int, message: Union[None, str] = None) -> Callable: """Decorator factory to build a tqdm progress bar using lax.scan. This returns a decorator to apply to the 'body' function used in lax.scan Args: num_samples (int): number of samples to run lax.scan message (Union[None, str]): message to display in the progress bar. Defaults to f'Running for {num_samples:,} iterations' Returns: Callable: decorator to apply to the body function used in lax.scan """ if message is None: message = f"Running for {num_samples:,} iterations" tqdm_bars = {} def _define_tqdm(arg, transform): tqdm_bars[0] = tqdm(range(num_samples)) tqdm_bars[0].set_description(message, refresh=False) def _update_tqdm(arg, transform): tqdm_bars[0].update(arg) def _close_tqdm(arg, transform): tqdm_bars[0].close() def _update_progress_bar(iter_num, print_rate): "Updates tqdm progress bar of a JAX scan or loop" _ = lax.cond( iter_num == 0, lambda _: host_callback.id_tap(_define_tqdm, print_rate, result=iter_num), lambda _: iter_num, operand=None, ) _ = lax.cond( iter_num % print_rate == 0, lambda _: host_callback.id_tap(_update_tqdm, print_rate, result=iter_num), lambda _: iter_num, operand=None, ) _ = lax.cond( iter_num == num_samples - 1, lambda _: host_callback.id_tap(_close_tqdm, print_rate, result=iter_num), lambda _: iter_num, operand=None, ) def _progress_bar_scan(func): """Decorator that adds a progress bar to `body_fun` used in `lax.scan`. Note that `body_fun` must either be looping over `np.arange(num_samples)`, or be looping over a tuple who's first element is `np.arange(num_samples)` This means that `iter_num` is the current iteration number """ print_rate = int(num_samples / 20) def wrapper_progress_bar(carry, x): if type(x) is tuple: iter_num, *_ = x else: iter_num = x _update_progress_bar(iter_num, print_rate) return func(carry, x) return wrapper_progress_bar return _progress_bar_scan