Source code for sgmcmcjax.ksd

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, lax, vmap

from .types import Array

[docs]@jit def k_0_fun( parm1: Array, parm2: Array, gradlogp1: Array, gradlogp2: Array, c: float = 1.0, beta: float = -0.5, ) -> float: """KSD kernel with the IMQ kernel and the 2 norm: Args: parm1 (Array): sampled parameter 1 parm2 (Array): sampled parameter 2 gradlogp1 (Array): gradient of sampled parameter 1 gradlogp2 (Array): gradient of sampled parameter 2 c (float, optional): intercept parameter in the IMQ kernel. Defaults to 1. beta (float, optional): exponent parameter in the IMQ kernel. Defaults to -0.5. Returns: float: value of kernel for the pair of samples """ diff = parm1 - parm2 dim = parm1.shape[0] base = c**2 +, diff) term1 =, gradlogp2) * base**beta term2 = -2 * beta *, diff) * base ** (beta - 1) term3 = 2 * beta *, diff) * base ** (beta - 1) term4 = -2 * dim * beta * (base ** (beta - 1)) term5 = -4 * beta * (beta - 1) * base ** (beta - 2) * jnp.sum(jnp.square(diff)) return term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5
_batch_k_0_fun_rows = jit(vmap(k_0_fun, in_axes=(None, 0, None, 0, None, None)))
[docs]@jit def imq_KSD(samples: Array, grads: Array) -> float: """Kernel Stein Discrepancy with IMQ kernel Args: samples (Array): MCMC samples grads (Array): gradients of the MCMC samples Returns: float: estimate of the KSD """ c, beta = 1.0, -0.5 N = samples.shape[0] # we use lax.scan rather than a nested vmap as the latter becomes very slow for high dimensional problems with lots of samples. def body_ksd(le_sum, x): my_sample, my_grad = x le_sum += jnp.sum( _batch_k_0_fun_rows(my_sample, samples, my_grad, grads, c, beta) ) return le_sum, None le_sum, _ = lax.scan(body_ksd, 0.0, (samples, grads)) return jnp.sqrt(le_sum) / N